Vintage Dirt Bike Q & A

cr125r 81-82 crankcases swap
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Author:  skydrome [ Tue Jan 28, 2020 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  cr125r 81-82 crankcases swap

Hi to all of you on the forum, I am a new member but I have been watching this space for some time.
I am currently restoring a cr125 1982 with bad welded left crankcase which I can swap cheaply with one from 81 model.
I do not have this in my hands to compare, so my question to someone who may have done this, is
Does it fit directly ? Honda gives different code numbers but they seem to be very similar

I am also searching fork stanchions if they fit from any other year, model, brand ...38mm - 73cm long

thanks to everybody old iron revving buddys...

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