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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 4:33 pm 
I Need to smooth out the powerband on my 73 CR250M. I have a stock cylinder and piston, a mikuni carb, and a jemco pipe. Will an MT250 ignition work on it? I ice race it in the One Stud class and the bike is unbeaten, but I need to chill it out a bit as its scary to ride with such little traction. I had a new one in 73 and rode the winter series on it, finishing 4th in the amateur series. Love the bike! Hope you can help me, Rich

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 4:34 pm 
I'm sure it will. I just put a 77 CR125 ignition in a 75 MT125 engine. The difference was that the cr uses CDI and the MT uses points. I'm not too familiar with the 73/74 250m's, but I think the early MT's as well as the CR's both used points. The fly wheels may be different. Try This site. The guys name is Scott Steger. He has always been very helpful, and know all about Elsinores. Good luck......Tom.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 4:37 pm 
I'll bet if you replaced the whole shooting match it would work. In other words, put the MT rotor, stator, coil, etc. and use the MT mag cover on the CR. One more thing you may need to replace is the crank. I think the CR's crank is too short. Never done it personally, but it sounds logical.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 4:38 pm 
Thought about it. like Nathan said above, changing all of it should work. The fly-wheel will help with idle, and keep it from stalling.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 4:40 pm 
I spoke with Rob about this and he said that the crank on the 73-74 CR250M was too short for the MT ignition and that you'd have to use the MT crank as well as the ignition, or a crank out of a 76 CR250'76.

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