Vintage Dirt Bike Q & A

new old DT400B... have some questions
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Author:  dakeddie [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  new old DT400B... have some questions

I bought a 1975 DT400B a month ago and it wasn't running. In fact, it had a huge hole in the piston, but that's all under control now. I'm trying to figure out the jetting now since the stock airbox is long gone and it was never rejetted. My question is, is the choke on or off when the lever is in the up position? It's hard to tell when it's not running very well to start with.

My other question is, does anyone have a scan of the factory service manual that I can download free of charge? I've seen it on ebay, but the bid starts at $10... too much in my opinion. I've found a copy of the DT250A-360A service manual, but I'm not sure how similar it is.

Author:  Dave [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: new old DT400B... have some questions

the choke is off with the lever in the up position.the dt360a is very similar in spec to the 400.the 360 has a 80 mm bore and the 400 has a 85mm bore and the clutch has one less plate on the 400 than the 360 does.those are the two biggest differences between the two.of course the jetting on the 360 will be different than the 400.the dt360 has a 30 mm carb and the 400 has a 32mm carb.

Author:  dakeddie [ Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: new old DT400B... have some questions

thanks a bunch.

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