Vintage Dirt Bike Q & A

1978 RM125 Carburetor Settings and Parts
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Author:  Michael86 [ Thu Jan 05, 2023 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  1978 RM125 Carburetor Settings and Parts

Hey Everyone,

I recently got a 1978 RM125 and I want to rebuild the carb and get the bike running before doing a full rebuild but I'm finding issues with locating a quality carb rebuild kit. The Cycleserv manual that I have was printed in 1976 and it appears that the carb is the same through to 1980 or so but I can't confirm. I've now bought the Haynes M371 version but won't have it for a while. From the Cycleserv manual the 1976 version has a Mikuni VM32SS but I can't seem to confirm this or find a kit made for this bike (lots of kits for the Yamaha SR500 version of this but none for the RM125 from 78).

Does anyone have information on this carb and good quality carb kits?


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Author:  Belly86 [ Sat Nov 18, 2023 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1978 RM125 Carburetor Settings and Parts

G'day, it's probably a bit late now but in Townsville, Australia have everything Mikuni carb related. Kits, complete carbs etc etc. I got parts for my 76 RM125A from them.Or Motorcycle Spares also stock a fair bit of hard to get carby parts. Hope this helps

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